Update Alpha 5

At its current state things like sound, music, events and story are still needed to round out what we already have. As for new content our next plan is to add a boss to the wind dungeon, start working on the 3rd dungeon and create a more sound progression flow with a central hub.

Version A5 contains:

- A new boss fight at the end of the light dungeon as well as a new mini boss available from the main menu.

- Equipment. You can now spend medallions found in the dungeons on new equipment that changes aspects of the gameplay and changes the players colors.

- New menus for equipment and items, progression, map and options.

- Various changes to map layouts and enemy ai's.

- A lot of bug fixes, too many to list. Plus brand new ones.


MotkA5.zip 106 MB
Nov 07, 2024

Get Mark Of The Knights

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